Of the nine sculptures from Bruno Catalano’s Travel to New York series on Park Avenue, not a single sculpture depicts a female. The sculptures are meant to symbolize the fragmented nature of people living in or travelling through New York City due to hardships associated with migration, displacement, and separations. The series is male-centric; however, New York City is most definitely not male-centric and the hardships faced by females differ to those faced by males, therefore the true depiction of people in New York City must include the feminine perspective. The ideal representation of this feminine perspective would be a sculpture of Ruth Bader Ginzburg as she represents many elements of perseverance and struggle associated with her Jewishness, being a mother, and pursuing the field of law as she became the first female to serve on the Supreme Court. Her journey was most definitely convoluted and emblematic of struggles faced by many women, therefore her addition to the series would be very valuable and logical to concept of fragmented, strenuous nature that the Travel to New York series conveys.