I’m sure you have been victim to the harsh sounds of the city while trying to sleep at one point in your life. You might think it is simply annoying, but it is truly a serious environmental issue.
Ever wonder why Long Island water tastes far worse than NYC and Westchester water? It’s because they don’t actually get their water from the same source and there is far more chemical intervention needed for Long Island water to be drinkable.
This study explores how tree density impacts noise pollution, investigating trees as natural noise barriers and their potential to reduce noise levels in urban areas.
Everyone loves birds- but their populations may be declining. We looked at three bird species and their population trends.
Everyone loves birds- but their populations may be declining. We looked at three bird species and their population trends.
Our project features bird numbers across parks in NYC! Focusing on Global Big Day, we collected species diversity and the ecology of eight parks to find any contributing factors.
New York State is home to 19 turtle species. The most common are the Red-eared Sliders, the Painted Turtles, the Common Snapping Turtle, the Northern Red-Bellied Turtle, and the Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle. This project discusses the sightings of turtles in NYC Parks throughout different seasons.