Your Project* This will be the body of the project post. This is the space to tell us everything about your project. What do you want people to take away?
Short Description* Write a brief overview of your project that will make someone want to click to read your full project post! Limit to 30 words.
Professor* Abraha, Leah Ahmadinejad, Tara Barbour, Helene Beal, Justin Brewer, Alexis Brown, Kevin Buonaiuto, Frank Byam, Dale Chudnovsky, Eugene Ciszkowska, Malgorzata Civiletti, Matthew Cohen, Douglas Cole, Susanna Deas, Ayo Andra Devany, Matthew Drabik, Grazyna Feldman, Alaina Claire French, Lisa Gaffney, Jean Gillespie, Benjamin Gokhale, Vibha Grasso, Frank Hong, Caroline Jackson, Ashley Joseph, Michael Kohli, Manpreet Lakshman, Mahesh Lapidus, Ben Link, Hildegaard Lyons, Alan Millena, RJ Miller, Christopher & Steve Monte Muth, Theodore Neary, Janet O'Donnell, Kelly Pace, Alethea Patkanian, Irina Raja, Krishnaswami Rice, Emily Richardson, Erica Shelby, Karen Slodounik, Aaron Spokony, Rebecca Svirdov, Lev Szucs, Aniko Tenneriello, Susan Trivedi, Sam Visser, Yael Wyner Wheeler, Dustin Yaverbaum, Daniel Ziegler, Susan
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File Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif. Alternative Text
Tags Enter any tags that you’d like to describe your project. Some examples include science, art, math, BioBlitz, identity, and video.